Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Artist of the Week: Not The Government

I met the guys in Not The Government a few months ago when a show that I booked with their friends, Cardio Pulmonary, they had to back out last minute. Isaac, of Cardio Pulmonary, hit up the San Antonio transplants to take their place at the show and NTG obliged.

Not The Government's music is a rarity in the LA music scene, especially at The Smell, in the sense that most bands out there are more experimental and less pop music sensibility. Their hardcore, post-punk roots have lead them to the brand of music that they have created today, less of the contrived experimentation seen in some of the music in the scene in which they exist. Yet, none of the overly hyped, lo-fi, pop music. They're not the "in" crowd of today although they aren't necessarily on the out skirts of what can breakthrough. Evidence of this is here in their music video directed by one of my favorite directors, legend of the b-movie genre and Troma Founder, Llyod Kaufman. Who else but Lloyd Kaufman can understand Not The Government's place in the world as coolest of the uncool. Lloyd Kaufman got his due respect and hopefully the day will come when Not The Government will get their day in the sun.

Come see them play J Dee's Landing in Palm Springs on September 22nd along with Sol District, Moment Trigger, Deracine (Tokyo), and Mikki & the Mauses

Check out their music at myspace.com/notthegovernment or at their official site notthegovernment.com

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